Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Make your dreams come true in this lockdown phase

I believe no one wants to be locked inside their house, even if it’s for a good cause. For some, it’s not easy to spend so much time away from their usual routine. Everyone I’ve seen wants to live a good life. Make money, spend it on things they want to, travel the world, and give quality health & education to their family. Life becomes better when we we’re successful in doing what we are up to. 

As things are, in every profession, some people are more successful than others. Ever wondered, what is it that makes them successful?

It’s not that people fail deliberately. 

Maybe you couldn’t have what you wanted to have, due to whatever reasons. I have been with people who’re happy with the life they’re leading. I’ve also read biographies of a few inspirational people. From what I’ve observed, there are a few traits which are absolutely essential for success. Every one must have them if they want to make their dreams come true and be successful in life.

Traits of successful people

The first one is hard work. Without it, one can’t live a good life. A lot of youngsters I see these days expect that they get everything in life without doing much. Like they want to win some kind of lottery or get into a job where they get paid for doing close to no work. This is not the right approach for long term happiness. You can never achieve your full potential without working hard for it. Easy money will not take you far. People who are self made, are always respected more than those who get things on a platter. The ones who take responsibility, end up improving lives of so many people around them. Such people are regarded even after their soul leaves the body. 

The second most important thing is discipline. Having a routine is absolutely essential. A common trait among the most successful self-made people is that they are early risers. They have a fixed time of when they get up. Slacking off in bed will not make you progress in youth, it’s important to have a pattern. When young, Bill Gates would sometimes not go home for months and stay late coding software. Even now he has all the money in the world, yet he’s active and not retired. Warren Buffet is known for his disciplined approach to doing things and a simple lifestyle. If you aspire to make as much money as them, then you’ll have to be focused in your pursuit of excellence. 

The third most important thing is to have a goal. Taking things as they come would never take you far. You’ll have to have a passion for something. Don’t be just another person in your field - be someone who will make others stand up and take notice. Steve Jobs was passionate about easy to use things. He was good at finding talented people and extracting quality work from them. I know one guy who’s passionate about making money and puts in crazy hours even though he’s earned enough to last a lifetime. You can go to any length to achieve your goal if you are passionate about it. If you don’t have a goal now then keep working at it and one day you’ll realise your inner calling. 

Next, always be prepared to take calculated risks. Being in comfort zone will take you nowhere, for you’ll stay there only. Luck favours the brave. This is how Columbus discovered America, as he chose a route which others wouldn’t. This is how Edison discovered the light bulb, by failing thousands of times. This is how modern smartphones were made, when no one else anticipated their potential. If these people can do it then so can you, and achieve much more than what you think you possibly can.

Last, you have to stay positive at all times. There will be all kinds of days. What sets some people apart from others is how they see things. A bad event means it’s an opportunity for you to do even better. After every down there’s an up. Feeling negative and frustrated will not benefit you in any way. Rejection doesn’t mean end of the world, it means you’re meant for better things in life. You can’t expect others to see your awesomeness if you can’t see it yourself. Keep believing in positive intent and you’ll be amazed at how much goodness resides in the world. 

Remember, lockdown is just for few more weeks, your career will last for years to come.

So, if you’re locked down in your house, then try to count your blessings. Use the commute time you’re saving into something else far more productive. Work even harder than before. Follow a disciplined routine and keep waking up on time. Focus on your goal and strive to achieve it in the time to come. Be ready to take some risks. See the positive side of things. Make a list of all the productive things you’d do once lockdown is over. Your life will completely change, as you’ll experience your dreams coming true.


Bharti said...

Well said. Politics is like the weed - the more you smoke ; more dependent you become - Deaddiction from it can make your life clear and smoke free and you will never be breathless- no chance dieing of Cancer
Dr. Rakesh Bharti

Dr Yoshita Arya said...

Super motivating hubby loved this one