Tuesday, January 7, 2020

You are a superstar

There is a god inside you which you haven't realised. Maybe because you were influenced by opinions of those who consider themselves inferior and are not going to let you live the life meant for you. As a child you listened to yourself and felt good, so why not do that again?

All famous entrepreneurs and actors you read about, are no different from you. They were born without knowing anything, developed thinking process, and knew that one day they won't be alive. What everyone doesn't know is karma, that it'll carry on forever. Your time on earth is limited, what's not limited is the fact that you can live each day as if it was the last day of your life. 

A day will come when you'll not have another day to live life. Then you won't think of your bank balance, your prizes, your fame or your professional achievements. In acute pain you'll think of how you treated people and if you had regrets on doing certain things better. If you lived old then you would have seen many deaths and also several births. Then you will probably realise that a soul isn't born nor they die and your karma is the only thing that can guarantee comfort in next birth. 

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