Sunday, April 29, 2007

Let's Enjoy(?)

One of the first notions that comes to a person's mind after coming to college (and especially when its away from home) is to enjoy life.

Generally speaking, enjoying life means being happy, to have fun, to feel cool, and to try out a lot of things that couldn't be possible at home.

I won't talk about the first three as I myself believe in them, but its the fourth one that I don't completely abide with.

The point that I am raising is, why are you doing something for which you feel regretful telling others about it? You might be taking pride in doing something in front of your friends, but in front of your parents you might be behaving like a, well I guess you got the point.

You may say that life is short, and so you should try to make the maximum out of it. But can you have everything in life? You can never have, and should be thankful about it.

Its common that you are doing something and you feel that what you are doing isn't right but you want to enjoy life. Is enjoyment getting a regretful feeling? Even if you don't do one particular thing it won't change the fact that you can't do millions of things in this world. Isn't it wise enough not to do that one regretful thing when there are many other things that you can't do? Living a honourable life gives a feeling of peace and compassion, and everyone isn't able to possess it.

Back in school, from 10th till Plus Two, I did some things for which I have a lot of regrets. They were mainly related to my thinking which has changed a lot now, but still I curse myself that I thought of such things. Back then I was happy that I had such a thought process without realising how wrong I was.

It might be long ago, but I haven't and will never forgive myself for that.

When I was in second year of engineering I started becoming serious towards life as I realised my actions are taking toll on others instead of me. I used to spend a lot of time recollecting things I had done in the past and as a result I started hating myself. I used to get upset thinking that hadn't I been like that these things wouldn't have happened to them. I made up my mind not to do things for which I will have regrets later on in the future. I still follow this, and think multiple times before making a decision. Its not that I don't take incorrect steps, but whenever I take such a step I feel bad, ponder over it and think how could I have made the correct decision.

If I feel that there is something wrong in me and I have to correct it, then I do that. In 2nd year B.E. I realised a lot of shortcomings in me which had developed as a result of cumulative negligience of my actions over the years. I was afraid that it would be difficult to correct them, as the procedure was long and time-taking. And I needed a lot of patience for that. A start had to be made, and I was reluctant to do that. But I made the start immediately as there was no use delaying because ultimately there was going to be a start. Though apprehensive regarding if it will work or not, I slowly and steadily continued the process.

What motivates me behind my actions isn't me, its others. I always feel that if I am not serious then my actions will have a negative impact on others, and it actually happens. When I blame others for their wrong-doings I am always able to relate that incident to something that I did, and then I try to make sure that I correct myself and don't repeat such an incident in the future.

You might be wondering why I am saying all this. Well, my actions take toll on others, and similar case might be with you also. Unknowingly you might be affecting someone's life.

1 comment:

Abhishek Shetty said...

Although I only just in the tenth standard, I do regret many things. This post will act sort of as a reminder and might resist those impulses to do things that are enjoyable in short term but will affect adversely in the long term