Sunday, May 23, 2021

An open letter to someone I used to know.

Fellow (name withheld),

You helped me several years ago at a time when I needed it. I appreciate it significantly. 

Why is why I held on to being in touch with you, all these years. Listening to your problems. Trying to help you. Bring a smile in whatever ways possible. Going out of the way to do special things for people close to you. Anything that was personally possible in my capacity, I would do it. 

Then you got too negative in life. You would call and vent out all your negativity on me. I would try to make you positive, and that wouldn’t happen despite my best efforts. Instead, I would become negative. In turn this affected my own happiness and progress in career. 

As things stand now, I cannot take any more negativity. Which is why I can no longer remain in contact with you, unless you really want me in your life. 

I don’t ask people to change themselves and am not asking you to do that. All I’m saying is that, I cannot remain in contact anymore with someone having a negative mindset. 

Best wishes,


Remembrance by Arjun Suri
Remembrance by Arjun Suri

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