Monday, January 25, 2021

Want to be happy and overcome frustration? Then stop criticising government

Phuket, Thailand.

 You are blind, because you can’t see what this government is doing

How will our country progress if we don’t talk about government?

If you are not speaking against them, it means you are with them

I have heard things like these, when someone asked me to comment on a government and I did not. They didn’t look at the fact that I don’t like to criticise any government. This way I stay happier, and if you do it then so will you. Also you’ll remain less frustrated with yourself.

Wondering how it’ll improve your life? Then read point-by-point, till the end. 

1. Negative talk will not improve your life

Honestly, I do not want to enter politics. I want to create good things such as software and do activities that add value to people. My time is limited. Will I invest my time in innovation, or will I use that for criticising someone? Therefore, I try to avoid any kind of negative talk. 

Blaming someone else is of no use. If I say that my company isn’t doing well due to the government, then is mine the only company in the category that’s failing? If there are people doing well under the same government, then I should learn from them and work harder. Criticising someone won’t put food on my platter, which hard work and a growth mindset is going to. 

Anyone who’s started and maintained a company knows that criticising is easy, the real deal is to think of solutions. Be someone whom the government needs. Let’s talk about the head of one of India’s fastest-growing tech companies these days. A self-made entrepreneur shared with me a video of that head, in a conversation with Mark Zuckerberg. Hearing him I felt as if he doesn’t need a government as much as a government needs him (any government, that is). The value of his company rose to more than double during COVID. Seeing him use words like “low network latency”, it is evident that he is pretty much involved in his business and isn’t simply sitting on top of others to do everything. It is easy to ask people to boycott his brand on Facebook, from your Google Android phone, running on a Qualcomm processor; true accomplishment is to get investment from these 3 companies. And he’s not young, to set up a technology firm in late 50’s.

Who do you think history will be kinder to - an entrepreneur, or those who tried to bring down that entrepreneur? 

2. Living in past or future, doesn’t make life any better

Some people want to leave India and move to Canada. Because they are more in resonance with the views of their present government. Fine, but what will eventually happen, will the same government always remain in power? Analyse every democratic country, such as USA or Canada or England etc. Political parties in power keep changing. If you are unhappy in India then 99.9% you’ll be unhappy in any other country. You can never be happy in future or on condition that your favourites are in power. You can be happy only in the now, by focusing on the present

If you don’t want to leave your country then do something genuinely constructive for its improvement. Governments will come and go, the people will remain. Think of those people and do good things for their lives. 

Changi airport, Singapore. 

3. Do something constructive, with the resources at hand 

Use your energy positively, for the people who need your love. Do what makes their life better. If you have a problem with the government, then complain to relevant authorities, in a way that it brings a positive change. Few years ago, there used be a huge pile of garbage near my workplace. The CEO would complain to his staff and yet do nothing. I conveyed this to Mr. X, he had contested MLA elections from that area two and a half years ago. Though he was not in power, yet he got the garbage pile removed in less than 24 hours. He assured that it’ll be maintained regularly. 2.5 years later, Mr. X won the elections. Some time later, the negative-mindset-CEO got thrown out from the very same company he had established.

Complaining on social media or in front of a few people, won’t bring a real change. You’ll have to make things happen. Either complain about your city turning into a concrete jungle, or be inspired by Padma Shri Devaki Amma.

4. Utilise time more effectively 

You don’t always need to react to some sad events, let investigating agencies do their job. I remember when XYZ riots happened, I didn’t say a thing. Same goes for other cases of violence. I have faith in the investigating agencies of my country. I trust that their officers will do a fine job. I cannot say that they’ve done a bad job, unless I have read their official judgement in detail. If I have a problem with it, then I’ll file a case in court, or something else to ensure justice. I won’t crib behind their back.

So, if anything unfortunate happens to someone, then no point talking on and on about it. Have faith in your country’s agencies that they will bring justice. 

If you don’t have faith in your country then it is your problem, not mine.

5. Government is probably right from their perspective 

I am not in the shoes of those running a government. That’s why not judging their actions.

Every entrepreneur who used to be in a job, will tell you that they ended up doing the same things that they used to loathe earlier. Like any manager, they too have their own constraints which they only know about. Likewise, I am not sure of why certain people do a few things and only they can answer more on that. There is no point trying to understand why does someone behave that way, just know that they have a reason for doing so. 

The same analogy is also true for people who vote differently than you. There is no point hating them for that. They probably have a reason and you have to accept that. Send out positive vibes to people. What will you do by understanding why they behave that way? At the end of day, they won’t change unless they themselves feel compelled to do so. You keep your BP in control, instead of getting furious on people having different views than yours. 

Elevate your own levels. If you’re an influential person, wouldn’t the government listen to your proposal for making the country better? You will never reach your destiny by thinking negative about someone, in whose position you would have likely done the same.

Let me tell you another aspect of how I think. Maybe there’s someone who thinks positively about me. It is so kind of them to do so, isn’t it? I will always want good things to happen to them. I understand that people come from backgrounds different than me. They are raised with a certain type of conditioning and values. So, I won’t hate them for their views that are different than me. Instead, I’ll wish that something good happens to them, for the positive feelings they send towards me. 

6. Have a career-first approach 

Personally, I don’t know anyone who became successful, by criticising the government. A government isn’t just about politicians; it consists of many people including IAS officers who rise through the ranks. Remember that these are just people like us in a job. Why should I spend more time discussing someone else, instead of analysing myself and working towards self improvement?

If a government has taken a step then let it be. If it’s wrong then they won’t win the next term. If it’s right they’ll win. Your and mine individual opinion won’t matter as much as whether that government got re-elected to power or not. 

Okay, so you say that you discuss government to analyse whether to vote for them. Fine, but are you sure you’re not overdoing it? I know people who discuss politics because they have spare time which they use for this purpose, instead of upgrading their skills. And when it comes to deciding whom to vote for, then think about what I’m about to tell you. Before the voting day, it’ll take you not even one hour, or max two hours to figure out whom to vote for. Any amount of time you devote before that is a pure waste. 

Suppose you’re one of those who spends 1.5 hours every day on social media, in favour of or against a political party. This means 45 hours a month, and 540+ hours a year. You could have utilised those 540+ hours into doing online courses of relevance. What will enhance your life more - discussing the government, or doing things that can boost your income?

Jalandhar, Punjab, India. 

7. Self introspection is a must

If you say that politicians make you fight then it means deep down you’re a violent person. Blaming someone is just an excuse. 

Kindly introspect yourself. Any government gives what people want. If people want progress they’ll give them progress. Likewise some music companies make remix songs because people hear them in more numbers on YouTube, as compared to other compositions. If people listened to melodious stuff more, then companies will make more such songs. It’s about paying salaries to employees, and only the people can effect a change. So, please know that a country gets the government it deserves. Large scale innovation happens in those societies where people are inclined towards it

Having a big car and a bungalow doesn’t mean you’re successful in life, if you are not happy from inside. Like if I meet two people, one is talking nicely to me and the other is criticising someone. Who do you think is more happy from inside? 

8. Think big 

In my age group, it doesn’t make much sense to discuss politics, while being unhappy with their current job. Things are different in case of people in their 70’s and 80’s. They lead a professionally fulfilling life and are mostly retired. Them doing it makes more sense than someone who’s yet to establish their feet in the market. Where does it make sense for a young software engineer, unless they intend to enter politics in future or make an app that generates handsome revenues? 

Let me tell you an actual case study. There are two rival doctors in my city, in the same specialisation. One discusses politics whenever we meet, being against the government, peddling information based on whatever suits his agenda. The other stays away from it. 25 years ago, the former had a good practice and the latter was setting up feet. In present day, the latter has become #1 in the region. He gets far more number of clientele than the former, whose hospitals wear a deserted look, for which he blames on government’s policies. Did these policies not hold true for the latter? Still he is doing well, as he’s focusing on productive work, instead of putting blame on others. 

Remember. When it comes to your profession, it’s not over until it’s over. Even if you’re doing well today, there’s no assurance that you’ll succeed in the future as well. The world keeps changing, modes of doing business keep changing, and customers keep evolving on their expectations. In my age group at least, it’s important to see the brighter side of things. Any democratically elected human is same as you in terms of potential, they just worked harder than others. 

Kids - Support government. 

Adults - Become government. 

Legends - Control government. 

9. Rise upwards 

I went to a restaurant with an elderly lady. She criticised the food there, though I was fine with it. Later she went home and did some research. Next time I met her, she made that dish, better than what we had there. 

She would critique someone only if she herself can make something better. She applies this positive approach to other aspects of her life and the rise she’s had is a testimony to the same. 

Same thing you can do for government, if you cannot let go of criticism. Enter politics. Be inspired by people who planned and became the head of government, without any political background. Maybe they became head for one term, so you can do even better and become for two terms. 

Remember what I said earlier, that talk about things which enhance your career. So, if you do it because you have future inclinations, then do something insanely great. If you don’t want to enter politics then why criticise? 

Criticising a government isn’t progressive, don’t believe those who say it is. I haven’t met a single one such person who’s going to be the next Walt Disney or Gautam Buddha in their profession, by being a criticiser. It’s one thing to have some success in life, and another thing to reach your full potential without having any thing more to achieve. 

Saying that someone is bad, won’t make you good. It’ll only reflect not too well on your family. What will you get by cribbing behind someone’s back? That’s emitting negativity and nothing else. It’s not the solution. Do something constructive if you truly care for your nation. Else admit that you’re not a winner who can only complain and hasn’t utilised their own potential to the hilt.

If you still dictate to me that I should criticise the government for betterment of the country, then I’ll also dictate to you that you should innovate for betterment of the country. Make solutions that solve problems of safe water for existing and future generations. Reduce the number of unnatural deaths. Make unicorn startups on problems that have to be solved, such as for farmers and migrant labourers. Do amazing things to end poverty forever and increase equality. Who has created solutions for COVID-19, criticisers or innovators?

10. Think on these things 

Are you sure why are you criticising the government? Are you willing to read anything in their favour and present a balanced view? Why don’t you want to accept that you can be wrong and read only those things which prove you’re right? It means you do not have confidence in your own abilities and just want to make yourself feel better. Truth be said, you haven’t solved your actual problems

Think on the previous paragraph and then read the next one. 

Suppose you are given two dishes and can choose only one of them. You’ll choose the better one, and not the worse option. Same way you have the choice to either focus on yourself or criticise the government. Why consider yourself worse than someone else?

Now that you’ve pondered over, read further.

You don’t always need to react to people who ask you to speak up. I personally don’t see any difference between them and the common people who justified bombing of innocents with “if you’re not with us then you’re a terrorist”. If any bad event happens and you see my silence, then don’t interpret it as my support for it. There are always many wrong things happening and I won’t react to everything. If you want to like or hate me for something then don’t even look for a reason. Just do whatever makes you happy. Also, know that by judging me this way, I will only be happy to have similar feelings for you.

So, if you try to initiate me into a conversation against the government and I stay silent, then you know why. Just like how so many murders happen and I don’t say anything, doesn’t mean I support them. I simply pray to god regularly that may good things happen to people and the earth keeps getting better in terms of liveability. Me and my family members will not wish bad things for anyone.

Langkawi, Malaysia. 

11. Meaningless discussions will take us nowhere 

You don’t need to hate someone on basis of their political views. This shows that you’re someone who focuses their energy on hating people, instead of admiring the good things around you. We can never count our blessings to complete extent, yet we focus our energies on what we think is not right. 

Thing is that we will always have differences on the basis of some views or the other. Just like all of us cannot have exactly the same view on god. So, kindly do not get into pointless discussions. Nothing fruitful will come out of it. We just have to be acceptable towards others. 

Also, there is no point asking some people their take on something political. If they’re in favour of a particular party, they’ll find ways to defend it. If they’re against it, then they’ll find ways to loathe it. Very few people are actually balanced in their assessment. Please don’t waste your precious time. Focus on yourself, no one is going to come and make you happy except you yourself.  

Let me tell you an inconvenient truth. For almost all political leaders, you’re a vote. That’s it. Unless you have a personal relation, don’t get too attached to them. Instead of being their fan, think of how can they be your fan. 

12. Your own health matters

Do you have high BP? Do you have hypertension? Then stop criticising the government because that way you’re emitting negativity. Fill yourself with positivity. Watch happy things on TV or YouTube. Exercise more. Eat healthier. Do what actually makes you happy. No one has ever reached the stage of self contentment, by having negative feelings about someone else

There are always conspiracy theories around things. Some say USA did 9/11. Some say that Armstrong never landed on the moon. Thing is whatever be the truth, if you are a theist then we will die the day god has destined for us. Death is not in our control. What is in our control is to appreciate the beauty on earth and the chance god has given to enjoy all of it. 

No one can predict how long we will live on earth. If you believe that one’s time is already predetermined, then why make your limited time miserable by indulging in negativity? Means if you think god has already decided how long will someone live, then god has also decided who is going to form the government. So, don’t hamper your own health, thinking about things not in your control. 

13. Analyse how public perception works 

My politically unbiased friend in Canada once told me about Amrican media. He said that in USA, some media houses are in favour of democrats (such as New York Times) and some in favour of republicans (such as Fox News). I see a similar pattern in India as well. Hence, if you watch channels with a specific inclination, you’ll have opinions accordingly. 

Another case is social media where people follow only those with specific kind of views. Hence their own views amplify in that direction and they end up developing hatred for people with a different viewpoint. Then they either stop talking to them or try to force their opinions on others. That leads to toxicity and negativity. 

People can have opinions about government same or different as yours. Where do you want to limit yourself with - political viewpoints or whether they’re enlightened and satisfied with their life?

I do vote. Just that I don’t waste time on certain things, because it doesn’t help my career in any way. After election results, I don’t message my friends who’re against the one I voted for, as if they lost or things like that. I have a few fundamentals which I always follow. 

1. “Be humble in victory, gracious in defeat“.

2. Whatever goes up, always comes down. 

3. Focus on taking yourself at a level when the people in power talk about you and not the other way round. 

4. Never send any remarks to anyone who has a different ideology than yours. After all, they too are your own people. 

You know where this is. Eiffel Tower, Paris. 

14. Inspire from the best 

There are times when people message me, asking to speak up against the government. I ignore them. Because I don’t consider them important. Who do I consider important?

  • Bill Gates, whose software I grew up using. He’s now working on solving problems for a better earth. 
  • Steve Jobs. He taught me to do something different, creative and commercially successful. 
  • Jiddu Krishnamurti. He analysed the human psyche unlike anyone else of his generation. 

Like these, there are some more people, who inspire me. They would have never reached their potential, by being in a negative zone. And the uncreative people who constantly ask others to speak against the government, will never reach their potential. I am not saying that not being creative is bad. It is far easier to put up DP of Bhagat Singh, than to do something truly revolutionary. So far, I haven’t met anyone bringing a real revolution just by following the herd or by sending WhatsApp forwards

Your criticism of the government because it’s not the party you want in power, won’t bring money on your table in vast majority of the cases. Spending time with virtual people on social media won’t help. What matters is to know people around you and know that it’s every human for itself. In 80’s, my parents were saved by our Sikh landlords, when some Khalistani terrorists came to kill them. In early 90’s, my father’s alertness prevented him from getting murdered by another group of terrorists. 

So, before you accuse me of being whatever, for being silent in case of any riots or whatever, then know that I grew up in a terror ridden state. 

15. Bring back the art of conversations 

If you are still not convinced and want me to criticise government, then I’ll ask you a question. 

Are you truly happy with yourself and feel there’s nothing you need to change in yourself?”

If your answer is “no” then stop criticising someone else and focus on yourself. 

We are losing the art of conversations. I have actually dreading talking to some people as they get into negative conversations about criticising someone. Talk to me about good things. Such as the values you’re imbibing in your children. The things you admire most about your partner. A valuable lesson taught to you by your parents. A life changing book you read. An interesting video you saw. A humorous joke you heard. Or if you need my help with anything. What will you get by criticising a democratically elected government? If you’re not happy then simply vote for someone else, because ultimately this is what it’s about, isn’t it? Why waste any further time if you’re already decided on your decision? 

16. The 30-day challenge 

If you want further reasoning that you’ll be happier and less frustrated by not criticising the government, then try this. For the next one month, don’t think negative about any government. Whenever any such thought comes then divert it towards something constructive. Such as, upskilling yourself or spending time with people who matter. Meditate, enjoy natural beauty, and appreciate the good things around you. Tell people you don’t want to get into political conversations, if they don’t stop then mute them, so that you’ll have space for better people in your life. Do this for one month at a stretch. You’ll feel the difference yourself. 

End note 

Since birth I read about secularism on basis of religion, which means accepting someone whose religious beliefs are different than you. You should be tolerant enough to accept that someone can have views different from you and this shouldn’t make you have negative feelings about them. 

In today’s age, I feel we need secularism in political views as well. We are in a politically polarised world. Just because someone doesn’t have the same views as you, it doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. Also, if someone has the same political views as you, doesn’t mean they’re a good person. They’re humans, that’s it. Instead of fighting with each other, strive to make the world better. Solve problems like ensuring food for all, depleting water table, clean air, better mass transport system, lesser deaths due to heart diseases, etc. We must try to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic, without being dependant on a vaccine. Proving that you are right just because of your views on the government, will get you nowhere. It’ll only affect relations with some people and bring misery in future. 

You are not superior because of the religion you belong to or the party you vote for. You are superior because of your own deeds, and what you actually think about yourself. At your deathbed, what will you think about, having spent a large time criticising the government, or having lived a happy and fulfilling life?

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