Sunday, June 6, 2021

You deserve more than what you think

At their 40th college reunion , an aged man walked up to an old lady. He told that he liked her, but could never muster the courage to confess his feelings, for fear of getting rejected. You know what the lady said? 

Had you believed in yourself and tried a little bit more, you could have got me”. 

Somewhere, you might be able to relate to this story.

Our thoughts often hamper our progress. 

It happens to almost all of us. We remain stuck in mediocre jobs as we feel we won’t get into a better situation. We fill ourselves with unhappy thoughts, thinking that good will never happen to us. We feel that our dream will remain a mere dream, nothing more than that. 

You know why this happens?

Because we undervalue ourselves, and therefore, don’t live the life we could have lived. The cost of this can be as high as living an unfulfilling life, full of regrets. And if you want then this can change. 

The real change starts with you. 

Think of all that you want in life. Make a list of the best things that you like. Remove the thought that you won’t get them. Just make a start and then think, what will you have to do in order to get them? 

If you don’t try to get something, you’ll not get it (unless someone else is too kind to you). And if try for something with all your might, then sooner or later, you’ll get it. 

When everything else fails in life, it is hope that keeps us going. Even in the worst of times, never give up on hope. 

The Sea of Tranquility, by Arjun Suri

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