Monday, July 27, 2020

You can progress in life, thanks to politics

Politics is actually a good word. Years ago I wondered, why did politics exist and why did god create it? I have now realised that politics is wonderful. It is a gift that keeps on giving. In fact you can make tremendous progress in life, due to politics. 

Here’s how. 

It improves productivity 
When I first opened my Facebook account in 2006, it was a different platform. People came there to enjoy, to poke, to connect with friends and post on their walls. Now, the scenario is different. Some people go to Facebook to prove that they are superior to others, just because of their political views. It is this party versus that party. I don’t see people talking about lesser known innovators and how to make the earth sustainable. Instead, I see negative posts regarding a political party they don’t adhere to. As a result I’ve substantially decreased my time on social media, and am using  it more productively elsewhere. Try it if you haven’t, make yourself allergic to politics and experience the positive difference in your life. 

It elevates your level 
They say you’re the sum of 5 people you talk the most to. So if people around you are discussing politics all the time, so will you. It’s fine for someone to talk about it, if they want to enter politics themselves. What about the rest? I don’t think anyone achieves self actualisation, just by discussing politics most of the time. I mean, how will it help if you’re frustrated with your own life and instead of improving the situation, you talk about a person you do not like? I am not against having political views, just that they are like sugar, beyond a point they can cause diabetes and other problems. So, if you don’t want to be surrounded by those discussing politics, then what do you do? Surround yourself with people who talk about research and wonderful things they’ve done at work. Surround yourself with winners and achievers. Surround yourself with positive thinkers who look at a problem as an opportunity to solve. Do this consistently and you’ll realise that while you’ve moved ahead, your once good friends are still discussing the same old things. 

It saves earth
We don’t need politicians as much as they need us. No politician I’ve heard of can solve the problem of depleting water table with their own hands. Neither can anyone solve problems of non-recyclable waste, devise cleaner alternatives to fuels , make metropolitan cities sustainable, decrease global warming, etc. It’s people like you and me who can do it. Every minute you talk about politicians, you lose the power to make the earth better with your creativity. Mr Seechewal could make a rivulet clean by his sheer will and hard work. Mr Manjhi could break a mountain and reduce commuting times for people. Mr Sivan and his team have been making people proud with their innovations. I don’t know what’s their political alignment, what I do know is that these are the people we all need to exist on earth. I don’t think they could have done what they did, by discussing politics all the time. 

It makes things possible 

Always remember, politicians exist because we give too much importance to them. And not enough to innovators and problem solvers. Around 1983 Steve Jobs talked about making a computer the size of a book, where applications would be made available without any wires. Some people at that time thought he was a lunatic. Less than 30 years later, his team made the iPad. Likewise so many things have happened which were termed impossible. Can’t we have a world without borders, where no one fears death and everyone lives together in harmony with nature? Can’t we have a planet where no one dies early and people remain satisfied all the time? Can’t we stop hurting people and instead use that time to care for them? Maybe it’s we people only who’re not convinced that all the good things, which seem impossible today, can actually happen in the future. 

It makes life worth living 
Once you stop discussing politics, you’ll realise there’s a lot of goodness which you hadn’t noticed before. The beauty of nature in each and every creation. The fact that human body itself is a magnificent creation whose architecture surpasses anything we could have ever imagined. That there is something far beyond what we’ll ever experience in this lifetime. For all we talk about life on earth, it is just a tiny speck when seen from other galaxies. When seen in current solar system, it seems more beautiful than any other planet, will it always remain this way?

It is need of the hour
Think on these things. With rising temperature, depleting ozone layer, and reduction in natural resources - for how long will the human race survive? Will we ever be able to live in peace with each other? Nature gave us so much, did we ever appreciate it enough? The fact that politicians exist, it means failure of humanity. If we lived together in harmony, we won’t need anyone to rule us. We won’t need police if there is no crime. Defence budget will be zero, if countries decided not to fight with each other. There can be enough food for everyone, if there is no wastage. Everyone can have access to basic education, healthcare and Internet; only if we the people decide to make it happen. And that will not happen, if we spend most of our time discussing politics, instead of trying to solve the problems around us. 

Photo by Dr. Jagmeet


Dr Chander Mohan Aggarwal said...


Nikita Pande said...

Excellent Yaju, very nice write up. This is the fact of today's generation, but one has to stand for better nation. You took a very good step at least to write about it and given a direction to everyone to think upon it. Excellent.

Priyanka said...

Good point of view Yaju. Unfortunately, the influx of political views and allowing social media platforms to spread political stories and views is now far more ingrained in most people. People are being polarized constantly and indeed they bring their frustration from their daily lives into social media platforms not only to debate on politics but other aspects also. The idea of a healthy debate has disappeared and everyone wants to win an argument these days. I believe the politicizing aspects have developed more due to social media. Great thoughts put forward.


Excellent write up Yaju. It's full of positivity and forward looking optimist outlook. Continue with such writeups, it's the need of the hour. Best wishes.

Samir said...

Yep very true..why to get our minds into it and loose peace of mind .and precious time .rather let's all take responsibility whatever best we can do and be little Altruistic

Heman said...

I agree man ! Nicely articulated and put forward in a way to cover up all kinds of thought process .. appreciate it. Thanks for sharing .

jeeven said...

Awesome Yaju very well written.All unwanted discussion happening on social media it's just waste of time....Iam thinking what would be next innovative app or tool were ppl will get crazy about after social media....