It might sound odd to non medicos, that I’m requesting Indian doctors to charge more. The general perception among public is that Healthcare should ideally be low cost to people and affordable for poor. When compared to developed countries like USA, many feel India has this positive aspect of cheaper healthcare.
Yet I request Indian doctors to follow the American model and hike their fees. If you're charging ₹300 then charge ₹3000. Make it 10 times over night, or even more. It's absolutely not against the law to do that.
Believe me, if that happens then India will scale much greater heights than ever.
Here's why.
Patients’ behaviour will improve
If you're a doctor then some patients will ask “why are you charging money?”. Even if you’re charging as low as ₹200 (less than USD 3) per visit. They won't ask about the electricity and water bills that you have to pay. They won't ask you about rental expenses. They won't ask you about staff who demand salaries on time and a hike every year. They won't ask about inflation. They won't ask about hardware companies selling devices at profitable rates. They won't ask how much money your parents spent on your education. They won’t ask you about family members aspiring to have a lifestyle at par with their peers. They will simply ask why isn't their doctor treating them for free. Because the fees is so low people take it for granted. On the contrary, people don’t ask expensive brands like Mercedes and BMW to give free things. They happily pay what is asked and feel proud doing so. Hence, charge such a high amount that people won’t bother asking for freebies.
It'll reduce vicious cycle of commission
Some humans in medical profession (not all) prescribe medicines from selected brands based on "targets". Some humans in medical profession prescribe more number of tests to patients so that they'll get referral amount. Why? Because they're earning less from their regular income. They’re unable to hike their rates, for several reasons. So let them earn so much from their regular income that they won't retort to these external things. Let people take only those medicines and tests which are essential.
Improve health of a patient
Because it’ll be expensive, patients will try to come fewer times to a doctor and will take better care of their health. That way they'll take each prescription and advise more seriously. Same way people let scratches happen on cheap Nokia phones and take utmost care of their expensive iPhones.
Lesser brain drain
I have seen people in USA buying things like house with botanical garden area and private jets, which their Indian counterparts can't imagine. If Indian doctors earned this much amount here, then neither will they go abroad to practice nor will our rich people go overseas for treatment.
Happier youth
These days, people of young age like going to restaurants with plush interiors. They don’t care as much about basic raw material or savings - they just want good ambience. So that they can click selfies and upload on social media. Going to cheaper places doesn’t appear cool. This is a stark contrast from my parents generation, for whom eating out meant a place serving fresh meals. They didn’t care much about interiors. Not judging anyone, the current urban Indian youth wants good interiors. They’re willing to spend ₹1000 for a plate of golgappas in a 5 star hotel, even if they get the same thing elsewhere for cheap. Hence doctors should do the same. Make their hospitals a 5 star selfie spot. Youth will look forward to coming there and clicking selfies. For that, doctors should increase their fees exponentially.
Happier doctors
Most of our society looks down upon doctors who spend money on themselves. They don’t expect them to buy a Mercedes or take vacations abroad. This has a toll on some doctors as they can’t publicly display the results of their hard earned money. Hence, if it became acceptable that doctors are meant to make money, then they won’t be judged. Then every doctor will be able to freely display their wealth and also security systems at home. In fact, the more society tries to suppress a doctor from displaying their wealth, more they’ll want to show it. So give them the freedom to do it.
Relaxed doctors
These days, it’s a matter of stress for doctors, when a patient does self diagnosis on the Internet. The patient reads some random articles via Google and then argues with prescription given by doctor. The patient feels his few minutes of random research is more insightful than several years of experience held by the doctor. Some patients also come for time pass, whereas they should be coming only if they seriously need a check up. Because the doctor charges very low, patients take it for granted. If instead of ₹200, a doctor was charging ₹20,000, then the patient would have dared not argue. They would have thought that the doctor is charging so much, so they must be right.
More number of doctors
Experienced doctors are flooded with a lot more patients than newer ones. One reason is they continue charging much less then younger ones. If they charge more, then others will get a chance as well. So there will be more number of doctors graduating and it'll be a level playing field for new entrants as well. Instead of engineering, parents will force their kids to take up medical. Then even the fresh graduates will have a chance of finding clients, due to less rates, just like software engineers.
More time for family
As each doctor will have similar number of patients due to standard deviation, their working hours will reduce. So, they'll be able to devote that time to their family. This will boost the economy as they’ll get time for shopping, eating out, buying luxury goods, etc.
Just another profession
It’s time people realised that doctor is a profession, they are not gods. I do not know a single doctor who calls herself /himself as god. Just as how a cricketer gets out on zero, same way a doctor too makes unintentional mistakes. If people realised that a doctor is here to earn money and try their best, then they won’t break hospital windows after death of a patient. Because for someone who is not a god, the outcome is not in their hands.
It will improve things
People will start driving safely on road, fearing high cost of treatment. Parents will force kids to spend less time on mobiles, as they won’t be able to afford eye care. Like in Singapore the treatment is so expensive, people make efforts not to fall sick. People who will feel “why deprive the poor of affordable healthcare?” will have to start improving levels for their upliftment. It’s not the responsibility of doctors to end poverty, isn’t it? We may finally see cancer getting eradicated, thanks to investment in research (I pray no one goes through cancer). And we may see the end of inventing diseases, just so that people will buy their antidote. Because such companies will know that people won’t be able to buy en masse. After all such disease inventors are also humans with feelings for others. We may see people’s bodies getting stronger due to taking less medicines, and getting back to ways of holistic health.
Because cheaper doesn’t always mean it’s better. If only we could value the importance of having a human body.
Above article in video format:
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123 comments: ke zindagi itne aasan hote
There is no unity among doctors. I know even in mauritius, a GP charges Rs 600 to 1000 and a consultant charges Rs 2000 to 4000. But most patients take insurance. Poor go to hospitals and health care is very good in govt sector
Wishfull thinking,Mch,DM charging as low as rs.300 --500,with lot of free bees as allurments attached n cutbacks to th reffering docs.
Ideal situation.. only if doc community was a bit united!
This is so true and a heart felt experience. Our innermost feelings have been conveyed so nicely and wonderfully that all the doctors would agree to it.
Nicely said,hope this ll happen as early as possible.
Very true..we should do this
I am doing this.. And believe me, every word seems true.. Few patients.. Quality time..compliant patients.. Happy patients.. Managing patient load is easy.. Time for family.. Socializing.. Pursuing hobbies.. Life is fruitful..
Really doctor should charge so much that no one should dare to visit unless a dire emergency?
As a part of the society doctors charge less than peers in comparison, yes. There is enough in the country to be looked after. Doctors have taken the brunt of the society for long. And would continue for some time.
Teaching and medical profession have remained Noble to large extent in spite of the compulsions of the material world.
The satisfaction of cure of patient has lured the doctors making money earning a secondary object. Recently this is changing as society and government attitude to the doctors is becoming negative.
Correction is expected as with stock exchange index. Would come through corporate culture of medical profession.
Absolutely correct, instead of looking for commissions and kick backs raising the fee much better it make sense. Patients to spend time, passtime with silly complaints as the fee chealse than a movie ticket.
Agreed sir.. It's time to get united...
God knows if possible in our lifetime
Very nice suggestion. But Doctors are not united. They want more patients. Higher fees will relieve stress, which is the cause of more morbidity and mortality of Doctors themselves. Relives patient burden, relieves emergency burden. Our Government not supporting Doctors, as reflected in speech of our PM Modi many times. People talk that Doctors are looters. Only United Doctors can save us. God bless Doctors
Then all medical store boys will become doctors and quakery will boom.....
This happens only in india...
Fully agreed, in 2020 also Dr community is confused whether medical profession is service to human kind hence shud b very cheap and other perspective that it's like any other profession or business. With corporate business people entering medical field in the form of pvt corporate hospitals and pathology labs...Which r charging very high and employing drs n giving them peanuts ...It's high time Drs shud themselves charge high n update their clinics and hospitals to 5 star hotel kind of ambience
It is true, doctors unitedly should do this. If one doctor does and his neighbor doesn't do, then again there is a problem. Some doctors think it is their duty to do charity, charge less for the poor patients ( Here humanitarian emotion comes in between). How to combat this?
People want free and cheap stuff because of herd mentality... Its all about how you project to the patients.. No body wants an honest doctor, all they want is sweet talk and concessions..
Absolutely medical profession is highest and most demanding profession. We are most humble and docile of all professionals.I fully agree with 10 fold increase in our fees and this hike should start with insured cases.
I read this article with great interest.i was a sincere academician fulfilling the wishes of my parents to serve the poor ,that's what I told at the intended view for MBBS and that's what I did for the best part of my career serving as an assoc professor in a primer teaching institute 19 years and 9 months to be precise .
Infact I forego a lucrative contract renewal with prestigious institute in Hong Kong CUHK ,PWH to return home and serve in the same unit at bjmc & civil hospital Ahmedabad to the surprise of many who never believed I'll come back to work for a paltry 45000 rupees govt salary ,whereas the residents I trained earned lakhs .... I was happy and contended ,in many ways Hong Kong was a eye opener as I earned a princely 2 lakh every month ,I met many rich doctors who were insecure despite high earnings
My return to India to work in the same institute ended very shortly due to local politics ,I resigned to the surprise of everyone as I was giving up on pension after working sincerely for close to 20 years on situations of plague earth quake etc
The administration was supportive and wanted me to join back but that never happened till this day .
I decided to go into private practice and joined Apollo hospitals Ahmedabad at the behest of the CMD and then CEO Alex on my terms and conditions and started a first full time department which I ran successfully till a spate of CEOs happened and the fourth CEO colluded and played politics for reasons iam well aware and I had to quit
All these I narrate for a reason
One of the main reason I quit was I was accused of high charges .....
In fact one of the DMS highly corrupt himself who asked me what if he endorsed me as a plastic surgeon ,naive to the ways of corporate I told him my work is my endorsement and o don't need any other...
Now this person asks me how my charges can be higher than apollo.Delhi ...?
The answer I gave him shut him up but he colluded with powers to be and sneaked in another plastic surgeon back door enticing him with my earnings
The point is it is our own doctor community which has to change ,they must stop bad mouthing their colleagues especially on charges
As long as patients are explained clearly the charges and the options
To go to cheap doctors if they want
My belief is when you are in.private you decide your charges not anyone else period .
I agree with this, but if u come across poor patients, u can refund some money at your wish.
A very excellent and thought-provoking write up.
As many have said, it is simply wishful thinking. If out of 10 doctors, 2 are charging cheap and 8 are charging more, people are bound to flog the cheap ones.
Ultimately making it a matter of survival for those 8, to eventually charge competitively.
But if the government or medical association makes it a mandate then probably we can have some scope of change in this direction, where charging less can be looked down upon.
Perfect recipe for this society.
most of doctors will definitely agree witht this but how many will implement it? That's real worry. we never believe I unity and never wants to come together as one for our cause.
Good morning. I am also of same view. Unfortunately our common man is not aware of importance of quality treatment. Importance of quality treatment should be a chapter in children s school subject and included each year till they pass 12 th class. More importantly govt should take lead and educate common man to go authorised doctor and do give his hard earn fee. Currently it is all mirch masala or bhel puri practice. Doctor allopathy, ayurvedic, homoeopathy is not stream line. People are uneducated about doctors degree. Very difficult in our country. It needs guts by govt to streamline practice and educate people. Anyway good article. hope for best.
I agree with this concept. It will definitely improve the quality and status of the doctors.
Agreed. At least double if not 10 times. At the sametime promise never to chest your patients. Not do unnecessary investigations and admissions. Stay away from commissions either ways. Improve quality of care. Provide clean premises. Do better time management. And be polite.
Some arguments appear quit reasonable, but, India is full of diversity in perspective of both education and knowledge. Farmers , labour class who genuinely need support , for them Superspeciality dept. will be a nightmare.
Sounds good. Practically difficult. Top level,? Famous doctors don't require this as they are already earning a lot. Beginners can't think of it. 😄. We are so self centered specimens,,
Boss...the insurance based rating and fee structure is also another factor. Its outcomes are not mutually congenial in the corporate or private medical setups...mutuality between insurance and the medical profession are still not congenial. But conceptually, I agree and to some extent have adopted this over the last decade. It does work.
This is one of the most ridiculous article I have read in a while. It truely reflects the mind of the literate yet uneducated.
Firstly there is no data to back your facts. Secondly, you are not a doctor yourself as per your profile.
I am going counter every point that you have made.
The point to increase your fee because patient' behavior will improve. Is it not my right to ask why are you charging so much money. I am the one who is paying it.. why should I worry about the rent and salaries you need to pay. Why should I bother if you have incorrectly priced your fee because you want compete with your peers to have greater inflow of patient. Do you expect me to believe that you have lowered the prices for the sake of society and the people. BULLSHIT.
Taking commission is wrong, achieving targets for sake for treatment is WRONG. You can't blame your patients for it. Clearly you need have laws and a regulatory borad for the fees and prices you fix. Since there is no active board that maintains it, doctors charge whatever they feel like.
Because doctors charge whatever they feel like and we are aware of your commission/target schemes. THERE IS NO TRUST IN INDIAN HEALTHCARE.
Doctors have lost the passion to serve, I am well aware of how patients can be absurd and act as they own the place. But it you are talking about increasing your fee and blaming it on your patients. I am sorry the doctors community needs to stand United on this.
Indian patients lack trust and DO you guarantee better healthcare with higher prices?
Why should I pay higher money for you incompetence as a doctor to deliver quality healthcare.
It is absolutely funny that you compare American healthcare model to an Indian model. It is true that doctors earn more there, because they follow regulations and rules unlike Indians. But more importantly the American healthcare model is the most expensive and failed healthcare model. It is the clear example of the lack of trust in the citizen in the high prices and expensive prices does not assure quality healthcare (better than India).
Understand consumer behavior and root cause of the pricing behavior.
This is article will definitely sound odd to a non-medicos like me because as business student is makes no sense. This just sounded like the rant of an unaccomplished doctor.
Poor patients can get treatment from government or charitable hospitals...
I am agreeing with the article where its asked to follow US model. I guess there was Medicaid to support lower income group. And with insuarance, other people need to pay 20% as co pay and bill to insurance company for the rest. At the sametime why shd Dr.s are not going to use generic medicines as like US. Start doing this practices make everyone happy.
How much a doctor charges at a minimum in India? 200/- per patient and how much time they spend for every 10 mins at max at this rate if they work for 8 hours a day then they may see about 50 patients and can earn 10000/- a day. If they work for 20 days every month then they can earn 2lakhs per month and 24 lakhs per year. Most of which is tax-free as they never provide a bill to patients. I am talking about a doctor who is charging a bare minimum. Think about how much more it can go with a higher fee. Except for criminals(Politicians and religious fanatic included) and successful businessmen, who do earn more? This weird person who has written this article does not have the basic knowledge that the average salary of the USA is $47,060 and that of India is $1670 per year. Yet this kind of weirdos is roaming free on the internet and witing baseless articles in blogs that should be monitored and these people should be treated for a mental disorder.
I dont see anybody talking about quacks here. They are the first thing you should fear. When they charge 50 rs for a simple ailment that reduced most of the doctors patient inflow. Second important thing is over the counter medicines. India only have dispensing laws for certain class drugs only. You will see most of the dispensers at the pharmacy stores arent even from medical field, become "half" doctor and give medicines to the patients directly. So raising fees without considering these two important factors wouldnt be that much effective IMO.
Never, pt paying hefty amount will not to to quacks
Nothing is possible without unity amongst us. One regulatory authority should be there to fix higher charges for consultation and motivate patients to pay. IMA must take initiative and implement for the benefits of the fraternity.
Should be implemented by all doctors
We are not united ad like other professionals.
Drs enemy is another dr himself by bad mouthing
IMA local branch should fix fees for graduate/pg holders/super specialist and need change yearly and black sheep should be punished
3000 is the total monthly income of majority in India.....
True to the core
Though everyone wants to have lot of money and practice ,but Indian population is relatively poor and if ten times increase in consultation is done, poor will be poorer and many mediocre doctors will loose their practice.
If someone sees 50 patients in a day he is a highly in demand doc..most have average of 15 to 20 and also many are free follow up visits ...pls check facts
Only one solution for india.
Close all clinics and hospitals
All hospital mearge to govt.
Every doctor who pass out should get guaranteed govt job.
Doctors should paid by govt.
No risk No investment Great healthcare Good income.
And this also reduce educational expensses too.
Make sense if someone may suggest how a doctor who is compelled to pay 50 lakhs or more as fees for his/her degree repay this amount??Do we compare dedication honesty sinserity and sense of serving with which community /people of India?Needs introspection by all(public to policy makers) if we need a healthy vibrant health care system
Doctors are not God and excellent and very practical points presented
we need to have dignity and respect
Without unity among doctors- which is impossible- it is very difficult to achieve.
For public awareness..
Read this article
Cut short the treatment cost
Cut short the treatment cost
Agree with the contents totally as also doctors too must strive to achieve a work life balance not at the cost of sacrificing their family and recuperation period. Life for doctors is stressful and demand total commitment; hence they must earn well to serve well.
Agree with the contents totally as also doctors too must strive to achieve a work life balance not at the cost of sacrificing their family and recuperation period. Life for doctors is stressful and demand total commitment; hence they must earn well to serve well.
For a poor country like india I don't agree with this idea of charging 10 times.It is ridiculous.
I dont agree at all. Being in private practice since 29 yesrs had few bad experiences. But pardonable. Practicing in periphery where relatively poor patients are in plenty. They approch you by your name & fame. They sud be justified. After all our proffession is highly profitable. And lastly one sud not forget after all u become a doctor on working, learning & experimenting on poor patients only in medical colleges, where many mishappenings & mistakes might happen. All know this.So why to look to USA. With less charges in peripheries people earn enough & even have contentment of service to society. Accidents/legality may occur sometimes but still a larger section of society has tremendous faith in us & believe doctors next to god in rural India.
I have divided my patients according to their paying capacity.
I charge more in regular OPD. There is economy OPD for poors, where my assistant doctors take care of them and consult me only when required.
I do surgeries for the affording people and guide my assistants to take care of the poor ( next gen doc training as well). Few poor pts are referred to govt set up.
I feel that all this is a'teacup storm'! Our overall behaviour is a chronic strife between instinct and conscience. One who balances these two well is the real successful and happy one.
Agree. I really wish this to happen. Possibly the only way out! People have to change this mindset that healthcare should be cheaper. But, for this doctors have to be United. There has to be a resolution which should be passed by the IMA and everyone has to abide by this resolution. Period.
Doctors' unity is the basic requirement for this. Once we hike the fees, some other doctor will chip in and we loose the minimum earning we have. If we think of Practicing in rural areas, then our competition will be with whoever knows the names paracetamol, lomotil and Azithromycin and they don't need a degree. Where the is no competition from quacks, there will be in reverse mode as we don't get any facility to update and upgrade ourselves.
Dr Nibedita Satapathy
Doctors' unity is the basic requirement for this. Once we hike the fees, some other doctor will chip in and we loose the minimum earning we have. If we think of Practicing in rural areas, then our competition will be with whoever knows the names paracetamol, lomotil and Azithromycin and they don't need a degree. When no competition from quacks is there, life will be in reverse mode as in these places, we don't get any facility to update and upgrade ourselves.
I totally agree with you
Agreed.But it needs two things
1.a price chart from ima specifying rates
2.doctors unity.
DOCTOR AND PATIENTS RESPONSIBILITY ,स्वस्थ समाज के निर्माण में आम आदमी क्या योगदान कर सकता है!
How to a build a healthy society and healthy nation.
what does doctor and his family sacrifice for a patients..
Read the full article
And change the thinking for your doctor..
I feel there should not be any fees for consultation,except for registration charges within ten rupees,secondly f then the CPAct doesn't apply m,third aspect, let the patient purchase drugs by paying at the rates MRP plus GST,this amount is sufficient to maintain any level of Hospital.
Absolutely correct
First of all ban rmp/pmp I.e quackery and make then make prescription compulsory
All problems will be solved
A worthy read for all doctors.
100 ./'True
I partly agree with you Dr.Arya.
Assuming that is implemented,making medical fraternity happy,you must subject yourself for scrutiny of consumer forums also as in the West.?No?
The problem is loads of BHMS/BAMS/BUMS are charging less and giving allopathic medicines which cure the patient, and poor MBBS doctor who is. Charging as per his dignity is made to fend for himself with no or less patients
Other Western countries do not have this unique problem of excess of bams/BHMS doctors
It already is so.. there are government bodies, regulatory authorities and medico legal laws scrutinizing a doctor.. it's time the earning matches the stress..
Many have spent a lot of money to become a doctor, hence wish to earn a lot at any cost. It's merely a profession to them, not noble any longer. No comparison to USA- poor dies uncared, many riches die from over treatment. India should aim for a UK like NHS, which is funded well from tax,well regulated and free for everyone. We learn from practising on poor people in medical college. After qualifying not to help them is unfair.
Be Robinhood. For poor charge Rs100 and for affording charge Rs 1000.
For Poor not free as treatment will not be taken seriously.
It is must to increase our fees in every aspect,so that put.will behave respectfully.some pts will quarrel,but if we say in advance about our charges if they can afford they will accept.those who can not afford ,they got many choices like other pathy,govt.hospitals etc.
But what few of us are doing in competition ,making 8 days free consultation,and by external aspect like more use of drugs like costly antibiotics,withdrawing atems from pts pacs etc.,which is very bad and cheapest.
Our organization should put efforts combined to increase the charges .
We can do better by this view and also can do charity to needy and poor patients.
For all your stupid analysis you are a fool who doesn't have the vaguest idea of healthcare services in the country
Precisely this is what the blogger is asking for. There is need ot change this school of thought
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Good advice sir.
But i doubt about its feasibility in our Country where more than 60% lives in a below poverty line.
Lot of discussion and suggestions about dr fees amd health sector improvement
And so many comparisons with USA UK DOCTORS IS GOING ON
Perfectly summarised. I have absolute respect to the doctors out there. But this argument seems so vague and it's more like a morbid rant rather than a focused and targeted argument it should be. In which logical world woukr hiking the fees as to make patients healthier work ? It's hilarious !
real true thing to be happen
Exactly true
It should really happen seems difficult in Indian scenario as government is promoting mixopathy ....this(fees hike) will lead to people opting for less qualified doctors n will do frequent visits to mixopathy docs ....pts condition will worsen n finally patients will land up with we allopathic docs in complicated situation then they already had been drained out economically also ....overall it might worsen health care system of country will be best if political intervention does cashless insurance for all and medical audit of all prescriptions which will reduce irrational practices including unnecessary admissions and patients will opt for qualified doctors for each visit ...also immunization will become complete......this is my personal opinion ......this will reduce use of reserve antibiotics by quacks which is happening on large scale
After reading the blog, prime minister has capped the vaccine charges @150₹😄😄 where people don’t mind in giving tips of this much amount 😜
God bless the medicine practitioners...
Don't agree in toto. Situations r different if we r charging less then we r seeing more pt, more experience,
Me-too and taught many more doctors to do same
I did and taught many more to do same
Those who can't afford can surely go to govt hospitals
Very good suggestion,all the doctors needs to be motivated for this positive approach.
I totally agree with you to increase fees of indian doctors.There should be some standardisation about what will be minimum fee one can charge.No bar for maximum fees.
Doctors are becoming backward due less fees.They are also poor in economics.
Everybody should think seriously about this .
I have seen many doctors waive off their fees for poor patients.
Yes I am agree , it should be to improve image of drs , no value can understand by people if fee remain less and easy availability of dr
nice thought
completely agree
I completely agree 100%
Alas it happens in.our lifetime
Extremely well researched and practical blog sir; I can not agree more.Every point you have raised is so true and practical , people have to change mindset in our profession and is long overdue.👏👌👍You are the best guide, a blessing to our profession and I am proud to say that you are my friend.🙏💐
Problems in Indian Healthcare:
Govt docs vs private docs
Trained docs vs Ayush and quacks
Uneducated and stubborn patients
Cannot have a fixed uniform fee structure
Only advice I can say is: respect your work. If you think you are doing good work, then continue it and don't worry about money. Money will come. If you think you are being forced to do unethical practices such as kickbacks etc, have the guts to quit and find better work environment.
Agree. However, in present circumstances the actual charges should be told so that those who can afford will pay. For others it can be concession. However must make everyone aware of the actual cost.
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