Sunday, December 19, 2010

An attempt to precise Pakistan

If the country Pakistan was represented as a mutual friend on facebook, my relationship status with it would be set to "Its Complicated". For even if I wish to adore, I can't do that, and the converse hate feelings can't take place as well.

Why can't you adore?

If I write something in favour of Pakistan, I'd receive tonnes of messages from my Indian friends, labelling me as a traitor, who has forgotten the wounds we had to undergo in events such as the Kargil War or the more recent 26/11 Mumbai attacks. They'd go to the extent saying that had someone close to me passed away in those incidents, I wouldn't have said such a thing.

And why can't you hate hate?

If I totally diss Pakistan, calling it the worst country in the world (it actually doesn't fare too high in rankings of World's most stable states) and brand all its people as terrorists (like how most non-Pakistanis feel these days), my inner conscience would tell me that I'm being too harsh. For like every nation in the world, it does have its share of good as well as bad people, root-wise who happen to be us Indians only. There was a time when we used to be one, and now such is the divide that we look at each other as enemies.

Why don't you just ignore them?

Turning deaf wouldn't bring resolutions, for all of us are affected by Pakistan in some way or the other. Those living on Pakistan's border (Punjab, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat) always have the fear of being attacked (my mother lived in Amritsar when 1965 war happened, it wasn't easy surviving in those days). Then there is always Pakistan's name in terror attacks on safe areas like Mumbai. When we go outside India, we encounter several Pakistanis, we have to be careful in handling certain matters. And there is the most important aspect, naming which has become some sort of a taboo, but its true.

And what is that taboo?

That we are same people only. Both evolved from the same nation, that was divided by Britishers. Hatred was infused in the name of religion, thus ending harmony. The same people used to sit together in evenings, share meals from the same plate, encouraged their children towards inter-religion marriage, and there was high tolerance towards accepting those who were different from them (for reference you may go through the book 'Absolute Khushwant' by Mr. Khushwant Singh). Such is the condition now that Indians and Pakistanis are widely popular for being intense enemies, and if an Indian praises a Pakistani or honors their talent, s/he has to hear a lot of swear words from the society.

Why is that so?

The reason cited is that, Pakistan has been India's number 1 enemy in the world. They are responsible for Kashmir mess, have killed a lot of innocent people in incidents like 1999 Kargil war and 2008 Mumbai attacks. Had, god forbid, someone close to me perished in those attacks, then I wouldn't have thought the same about Pakistan.

So what's wrong in that, its true, isn't it?

On the matter of Pakistanis killing Indians, I suggest you to go to any Indian city, open up the newspaper, and go through local news.

If you calculate the number of deaths that occur due to our countrymen alone, like murders, rash driving, etc. then they are much more than those due to Pakistani terror attacks. Indians reading this sentence may get furious and openly condemn me. Pakistanis might be laughing thinking that I have given a reason to those who scoff at them. But I'd like to ask, have I said anything wrong? Is there any region besides Antarctica where humans don't kill other humans? Prove me wrong if you can, but the solution doesn't lie in stating who is wrong or right, it is in making both countries better by fighting the inner evils. We shouldn't ignore the inner psyche that makes someone a criminal.

I might be sounding controversial, but I am being realistic, what I have said isn't wrong but true. I'd appreciate if my fellow countrymen utilize their energies in making the nation even more better, rather than abusing an unheard-of guy like me.

But we can't forget the wounds they have infused on us, can we?

OK, then answer me this question - We were plundered by few European countries for around 200 years, weren't we?

Yes, but that happened long ago, we have moved on since they left us more than 50 years ago.

We Indians might have, but there are cases where they do regard us as land of snake-charmers. I started believing that after seeing response to Slumdog Millionaire, where my NRI colleagues abroad told me that this was what their adopted country people thought about us and some of them had to face racial discrimination because of the same.

We say that we have moved on in case of Europeans, and that all their people aren't bad. Yes, its true, I do know a lot of Europeans whom I immensely respect. But my question is, what can't we look at Pakistanis from the same view point? We Indians and Pakistanis belonged to one nation, we used to respect our differences very well before partition, what has happened now?

Don't compare Europe with Pakistan, they are more process oriented and their class can't be matched!

OK, then answer one more question - Suppose you were the head of your country. You invaded any "process oriented" European country, took control, dominated for 200 years, reducing their wealth to shambles, degraded their self-pride and morals, without having any opposition from any peace-prevailing world organization, and by the time you returned, do you think they'd be the same as before?

Was India really THAT good at one point of time?

I suggest you go talk to any scholar who has studied Indian History in depth. This'd clarify few doubts.

It appalls me that their media branded us as "thieves", before Common Wealth Games 2010 commenced, forgetting what they themselves had done. India never invaded any other country in its history, for more such facts refer here.

Are you saying that India is better than those European countries?

That's an altogether different debate. I'll just say that wherever you are living, be a good human and accept those who are different from you. I am against unnecessary + unrequired NRI bashing by resident Indians, who themselves aren't inventing some Nobel prize winning invention by staying in India or engaging in social work so as to "serve" the country. Hence don't assume that I am branding European NRI's in a negative light.

Now back to how we should look at Pakistan.

Oh yeah, go ahead.

In the human body, if there is pain in one area, it has effect on remaining parts too. Similarly we can't ignore one nation like this. India and Pakistan need to unite so as to eradicate the bad people, who are killing others in the name of religion. I have met some pretty honest Muslims who not only are good humans but also don't get into talks of proving their religion being the best. They do very well relate with the dialogue "My name is Khan, and I am not a terrorist".

In Western countries, Indians and Pakistanis live together, they find it easier to relate with each other, prime reason being common language. Things do get tense in case of a Cricket match or terror attacks, on the whole they remain united and care for each other. I myself remember one such experience, where we met a gentleman with his wife on Singapore airport, hailing from Lahore. Not only did we feel comfortable conversing with each other (for those who don't know, Urdu and Hindi are a lot similar), they gave us several food stuffs to eat/drink, we took photos with them, and it was such a memorable experience that I cherish it till today.

What's your take on Pakistan, the country?

Of course I do love Pakistan bashing when they lose in Cricket. It isn't as secular as India, for you don't find many non-Muslims occupying top positions, and unlike India many non-Muslims converted to Islam post partition (in India most Muslims stayed as Muslims without getting converted to Hindus). There have been too many terror attacks in the country, and the number of tourists are declining. Barring Nawaz Sharif and Parvez Musharraf, all their previous heads got assassinated, period. Their Industrial growth is much less than India and aren't home to any Fortune-500 company. Their media is renowned for writing fake articles regarding India, and going by their recent WikiLeaks report, seems that they aren't in mood of changing old habits. Not only have the terror-breeding camps increased, there is also speculation of Osama Bin Laden residing, who has been constantly topping the US Most Wanted List for more than 9 years.

As every Indo-Pak discussion invokes the K-word as a mandate, her I go on what I feel about it - Kashmir should go to India, simply because we are a better nation, progressing much more than Pakistan. We are also more secular, where non-Hindus have represented the country as President, Prime Minister, Chairman of the largest multi-disciplinary firms, Cricket captain, etc. People cheered for A R Rahman to win Oscars, even though he is a Muslim who was earlier a Hindu. In India, if you are a good human and have the tendency of bringing accolades to the country, people would always hoot for you.

On a positive note I admire that Pakistan is slightly more liberal compared to other Muslim dominated countries. They have let modelling industry thrive in their nation.

What's your take on the people of Pakistan?

If i think about visiting Pakistan, I fear that I may get attacked/killed in some bomb blast or the other (like what happened to Sri Lankan Cricket team or Daniel Pearl). But I also know that many of their people would be extremely hospitable and would ensure that I have a comfortable stay. Finding Vegetarian food in Pakistan isn't easy, but they'd take care of that for me. I went there with my family in 1987, though I don't remember anything about the visit, my folks told me that they received a warm welcome. In 2004, when relations appeared to be turning for the better between both countries, my parents visited Lahore and had a soothing experience.

I have talked to few young Pakistanis on the Internet. They are concerned about living a good life, and are worried over the direction their nation is going. The inner conscience of some of them is such that they do get hurt when they get branded as terrorists, for they know that these aren't the values they were brought up with.

At this point of time, Veena Malik has generated a lot of attention in Bigg Boss 4. Quite a few Pakistanis are upset about it, for they feel she is giving an impression among non-Pakistanis that all of them are like that only. This shows that they do have some good human qualities, that's why they are feeling that way.

As I mentioned early in this article, every country has its share of good as well as bad people. Unfortunately in case of Pakistan, the positive ones are suffering too much due to misdeeds of the negative ones.

(Not creating any regional divide by saying this - I feel the reason why India is faring better than Pakistan is due to South Indians. Based on my personal experience, I have observed them to be more sincere than others. The level of education in South India is quite high, the places are more serene, and there is increased connectivity of people with Indian values.)

Please conclude the article

Pakistan is nowhere compared to India, but that doesn't mean all their people are terrorists. Instead of wasting energy in abusing each other, we need to resolve critical issues to make the world a safer place. The better humans should be openly appreciated. What's the harm in loving few more people, when we already have so much of hate filled in us? They watch our movies and we listen to their music. We grew up watching their stage comedy and they watch our Saas-Bahu sitcoms. There are several common connections between both of us, whose realization is being stopped. If we can look at the countries who dominated us, in a positive sense, we can do the same with those having same roots as us.

Every now and then we hear about some sort of Intelligence Report saying that the country could be dismantled within few years, and if that happens it'd actually be a good thing for India. Not only would we fight better in removing terror from those parts, also we'd become home for many accomplished artists who have been winning the world over with their talent.

And yes, this way Kashmir issue would be resolved. Hopefully for ever.

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