Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Champion of Lost and Found

Every good male homo sapien considers his mother to be the best mother in the world(and also the best cook) and his wife as the best wife(he has to, for obvious reasons). If he doesn't have a wife and is living with a room mate, he has to consider his room mate as the best.

Presently I am living with a room mate, who is affectionately called "Champ" by all of us. He has a multi-faced personality laced with exceptionally electrifying dimensions. He has played a big role in bringing a lot of foreign students to our college.

If I go on raving about him, then this post of mine will invite several controversies, hence I will stop here.

One fine Saturday, he came to our room after doing some important administration work in college (he is an important personality in our college). He got fresh, and was about to call someone when he got a shock as if he was struck by lightning.

He realised that his cell phone was missing!

He took immediate action by searching for it in the room. He looked in his almirah, wash room, table, bag, etc. but in vein. He called his cell phone from my cell, but as his cell was on vibration mode he couldn't hear anything. I also searched my belongings, knowing that the result will be fruitless but with the hope that probability of anything is never zero.

As the room search returned zero results, he decided to go back to the college office from where he had just returned. As the office was closed, he got the keys from the appropriate person so as to continue with the Treasure Hunt. Again, the result was nil. He came back to the room, and started recollecting the places he had visited. He remembered that he had visited his department, and his cell phone might have been left there. We got the phone number of the Head of Department, called him up and requested for help. But he wasn't able to help us, as the department was closed, and wouldn't be opened till Monday morning.

In between we made several calls to his cell. Ring was going, but no one was picking it up. Had it been stolen, the thief would have removed the sim from the cell, and so we came to the conclusion that the cell wasn't stolen.

But then, where was the cell phone, where could it be?

Saturday went, Sunday came, Sunday went, Monday came. The department search didn't bore any new result. It was deemed that the cell was lost. But how could it be lost, we were clueless. Champ isn't that careless. Or so we thought.

Monday went, Tuesday came. Tuesday was about to go when Champ went to the wash room, saw his trousers hanging on the hook, wore them, and viola, the cell was in one of its pockets.

"YOU ARE HOPELESS!" "OH MY GOD, HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?!?!" "PATHETIC!" "NO COMMENTS!" These were the words that instantaneously came out for Champ from his friends, me included.

Conclusions -
1. The probability of anything is never zero. In such situations always look for things at the place where you least expect them to be.
2. Make sure that if your friend does such a thing then he should give a huge treat to you so that he won't repeat such incidents in future.
3. This is what is called as "Moronically Memorable".
4. Champ should continue doing such things, I am getting posts for my blog!


  1. I liked the conclusion. But its not easy to look in places where you least expect, coz if you look there, it means you expect it to be there.

    And I like the treat idea too. That will surely keep the friend on his toes

  2. Yes, the conclusion is very good!!

    Things turn up to be in places where you least expect them to be...
    When ur looking for something, you spend ages searching for it... but when u dont need it, its right there staring straight at ur face!! :P

  3. "Multi-faced personality laced with exceptionally electrifying dimensions."

    A very well constructed sentence That is !

    I also liked -
    "Saturday went, Sunday came,Sunday went, Monday came." and "Moronically Memorable". :P

    P.S>:Besides Getting posts for your blog, you're also getting the treat ! :P

  4. @Abhishek, Prarthana and Priya

    Thanks! While the treat idea appeared good at the time of writing, soon after I myself was involved in a similar incident. No, I didn't misplace anything. My cell phone wasn't getting charged, and after I created a lot of hue and cry I found out the reason - I hadn't turned on the power switch!
