Sunday, March 11, 2007

First Post

I don't welcome you to my blog if you came here thinking this was something great, because the purpose of blog is to waste time. I have started this blog as I don't feel like studying(I never feel like, even during exams!), and wish to do something creatively constructive(this blog should be better than my normal activities!). So if you wish to do useless timepass and have got nothing to do(like me), then this is the right place for you(I hope!).

I haven't tasted success for a long time, and this blog is a desperate attempt for achieving success. How is that, I am not exactly sure, because doing useless stuff isn't considered a success....

Anyways, for formality sake, welcome to my officially unofficial blog!


  1. Have you ever thought of Pictures/Photos for your posts , (To make them more attractive and fun while reading )??

  2. Thanks Gopal, Chander and Priya!

    Priya, I will surely consider your suggestion.
